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Hospitals Are at Risk: Smartphone Attacks Could Release Deadly Microbes

Hospitals Are at Risk: Smartphone Attacks Could Release Deadly Microbes

Could Release Deadly Microbes

Smartphone Attacks Could Release Deadly Microbes. This research project highlights the vulnerability of embedded systems to random attacks, but Al Faruque stressed that facilities can be hardened against sabotage with a little planning and forethought. Embedded systems are vulnerable to random attacks, but Al Faruque says facilities can be hardened against sabotage with some planning and forethought.

Al Faruque stressed that embedded systems can be hardened against sabotage with a little planning and forethought, despite this research project demonstrating their vulnerability to random attacks.

It is apparent from this research project that embedded systems are vulnerable to random attacks, but with a little planning and forethought, facilities can be protected from sabotage.

Al Faruque explained that the research project shows embedded systems’ vulnerabilities to random attacks, but he stressed that sabotage can be prevented with some planning and forethought.

This research project demonstrates the vulnerabilities of embedded systems, but Faruque noted that facilities can be hardened against sabotage with some planning and forethought.

In the research project, Al Faruque showed that embedded systems are vulnerable to random attacks but stressed that a little planning and forethought could make facilities more resistant to sabotage.

Faruque said that this research project shows the vulnerability of embedded systems to random attacks, but also emphasized that facilities can be hardened against sabotage with some planning and forethought.

Faruque said the research project highlights the vulnerability of embedded systems to random attacks, but that facilities can be hardened against sabotage with planning and forethought.

In the interview, Al Faruque stressed that this research shows that embedded systems are susceptible to random attacks, but with a little forethought and planning, fortifications can be made against sabotage.

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